Monday, 17 September 2007

Cover Strips

Work continued on the sides and ends yesterday. It was the first workday for a couple of weeks due to the recent damp weather. Fortunately it was a beautiful day, sunny and warm without being too hot, a good day for a workday.

Justin arrived early and started on the sides. He had prepared cover strips to fill the area over the joins between the sheets of cladding. He fitted these during the day after filling the gaps between the sheets with silicon first.

Work was well underway when Jim arrived. There was some planning to be done and Jim caught up with Mario first and then started on that. See the next post for some more details and an exciting announcement. Justin and Jim looked at the toilet area of 361 which is well advanced but there is still work to do.

Paul arrived a little later than usual after brushing shoulders with the dignitaries at the opening of the new bridge in Windsor. He joined Jim and a job list was created.

Paul and Jim then removed the decking from the second end platform of 547. There is some evidence of prior work here and the timbers supporting the deck are in better condition than the other end but not perfect.

Paul had prepared a cold collation for lunch so that was enjoyed next. After lunch Paul and Justin continued with the side while Jim did some preparatory work on cleaning up the end platform.

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