A Productive Day
After several false starts over the last few weeks we finally had a workday. The plan for the day was to complete the windowsill of 547. But as will be seen several other things happened along the way.
First our President, David, arrived with a BBQ he was donating to the association. It arrived in pieces but as can be seen in the photo David and Kevin soon had it sorted out. It needed a grill replaced and Kevin said he had a suitable part and has taken the piece home to fix. Once it is operational we will be able to host a BBQ for our members. It will also be available for workers to use (subject to fire restrictions etc.) as long as they keep it clean. It has been stored under one of the cars so it is out of the weather but still easy to access. Thanks David and Kevin.
The new caretaker Reg wandered over and introduced himself too. We were surprised to learn he has a strong interest in trains and was able to tell a few interesting tales. No doubt there will be more in future.
Our founding Vice President Jim (not the same Jim who writes this though) has donated a genuine carriage luggage rack. It is similar to the fake ones we bought earlier but as it is original it will get pride of place.After the enjoyable interruptions we finally got to the sill. It was better than we expected as there was less to redo than we thought. We sanded it, particularly underneath which had not received much attention earlier as most damage was to the more exposed top. After we (or I should say Alan) were happy with it a coat of under coat was applied to protect it until we are ready to paint the whole side.
The steps and other area of exposed bare timber were also given a coat of undercoat while we had brush in hand. It's not safe to stand still for too long or Kevin will paint you!
After cleaning up the site the generator was loaded into Jim's trailer. David has offered to have a look at it and see if it can be fixed. 3 tired workers then made their way home.
You can see more pictures here. Click on pictures on this page or in the album to see them larger.
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