Working for Our Lunch
We finally got to mow the grass around the carriages yesterday. Although it was only thin, spindly growth it was getting long so it was mowed down. Kevin and Alan got there early and got stuck in. When Paul and Jim arrived they gave a hand with the mowing and moved some fallen branches. It was all done in time for morning tea.
Kevin refilled the water tank too. So now there is water for the basin again. This was put to good use when we started cleaning the Heritage items. Most things were dusted or brushed. Paul started washing down the signs and got most done.
The stretchers were taken out in the sun and brushed to remove the worst of the dust. A couple of them felt a little damp after the wet week we have been fortunate to have so it was decided to move them to the van. They were all examined and it was realised one was different from the others. It is believed it is the most original having Tarpaulin Factory stamps and red handles. The others have green handles and on a couple it is apparent they were originally red. One is in poor condition with the canvas torn and paint peeling. We may restore that one to new condition. The others are in good to excellent condition and we will try and maintain them as they are.
Alan treated the metal on the side of 547 with Fish Oil. Some shows some corrosion but Kevin feels none is bad enough to be concerned about. It was decided to treated it and then spray it with rust resistant paint before replacing the sides.Paul had won a meat tray at the club the previous evening and decided to share it with the rest of the team. So the BBQ was moved away from the carriage and lit up. Kevin had repaired the tray that hold the volcanic rocks so this was the first use in TRAK hands. We dined on steak, pork and lamb chops with onions and fresh bread rolls. Mario and Nora joined us for the meal and all enjoyed it. Certainly a big improvement of takeaway. We hope to make this a regular feature of future workdays.
Kevin had repaired the handbrake assembly of 683 and it was moved into the car for storage until it is replaced on the rear platform. Kevin has been gradually working through the metal parts of this carriage, repairing and repainting as needed. We hope to replace the headstock very soon.
Paul got back to cleaning signs until a call from our treasurer looking for end of month paperwork meant a couple of us needed to scurry home to get it ready.
The photo gallery has been updated, some new albums were created with photos from yesterday, there is a general one as well as one for 683. The Heritage items has been updated with several new photos and one or two were added to the 547 album. Click on the new link on the top left to access the gallery.