Friday, 9 February 2007

Site Update

There has been some updates to this site and more are planned.

The most obvious update will be the labeling of all posts. On the left under labels you will see a list of the labels used. These labels identify what each post is about. Click on 683 for example and you will see each mention of 683 in this blog.

Maybe a quick explanation of what each label means is in order. The carriage numbers are obvious but the others may not be
as clear.

Links are other sites our members and visitors might find interesting.
Misc. is for entries that aren't easily classified, this one for example.
News posts cover information about TRAK or news in general that might affect TRAK.
Plans will let you know what we intend to happen at the carriage site in the near future.
Reports will let you know what we did on our most recent workday.

If you think there should be other labels please let me know, (leave a comment). Do you find the labels useful?
What else can we do to the blog to add to your reading pleasure?

Keep visiting here as there are some more changes coming, very soon I hope.

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