547 in Position
Today saw 547 buffered up to 343. It was on the track but not pushed back. Now we will be able to adjust the tarps so hopefully 1349 will be covered.
Alan continued with the window sill. The 2nd class end is done and work has started on the 1st class sill. The area where we have removed the windows is now covered by plastic.
There was little damage from the wind storm last week. Some branches had blown down but didn't hit anything. Some loose timbers on 343 moved but no damage.
Alan has repaired the generator again. It will be needed soon when we put the sides on.Don't know what Stephen is looking at. When he stands there pensively we start worrying what he is going to dream up next! As usual Alan is working quietly in the background.
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1 comment:
Maybe Stephen is thinking......
I don't think my Garrat would run on that track
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