Wednesday, 25 October 2006

Rail Video

A reminder to all our workers there will be no workday this weeekend as it is the Kurrajong Scarecrow Festival and we will be there. The next workday will be next Sunday 5th November, check the calendar on the left for other dates.

In the mean time have a look at Derailed for a great video.

Wednesday, 18 October 2006

Another Carriage?

TRAK has been offered the donation of an additional American Suburban (aka end platform) carriage. We made an offer for this car a few years ago but were unsuccessful. The owners wish to dispose of it and are now offering to donate it to TRAK.

The only problem is our site is full. We need somewhere to store it if we are not going to miss out on it. Our prez David is currently following up some leads but without success so far. If you know of anywhere in the local area where we may be able to store it please let us know.

This is a generous offer TRAK would like to take advantage of so please contact us if you can help.

Monday, 16 October 2006

Still on the Sill

Work continued on the window sill yesterday. We have progressed to the 1st Class end of the car. Half the windows in that section were removed and repairs to the sill were carried out. We were disappointed to find it was in worse condition than we had expected. There were several areas that had been previously repaired with plugs or filler. Many of these had to be redone. A first coat of filler was applied, it will be sanded and a second application made next workday. It was left to set as the weather had turned cool and with light showers.

There was a comment that from the photos people will think only Alan does any work. There is not totally true, everyone else gets out of shot quickly. In this shot Alan is sanding the sill as Kevin moves not quite quickly enough to be out of the photo. Paul and yours truly were also there. (Click on the picture for a larger image).

Quote of the day - "that screw was holding by a thread" - Kevin as he removed a very rusted screw holding on the windows.

There will be an exciting announcement in the next couple of days so call back again soon.

There won't be a workday for a couple of weeks. Next weekend is the Air Show and traffic will be a mess around the area (if you're coming to the show use the train). The following Sunday will be Scarecrow Festival at Kurrajong, drop by if you can. We will be back here on 5th November. As always check the calender on this page.

Wednesday, 4 October 2006

Sacred Institution

Nothing to do with carriages but plenty to do with our workdays, especialy as they are usually held on Sundays.

See this site


Monday, 2 October 2006

547 in Position

Today saw 547 buffered up to 343. It was on the track but not pushed back. Now we will be able to adjust the tarps so hopefully 1349 will be covered.

Alan continued with the window sill. The 2nd class end is done and work has started on the 1st class sill. The area where we have removed the windows is now covered by plastic.

There was little damage from the wind storm last week. Some branches had blown down but didn't hit anything. Some loose timbers on 343 moved but no damage.

Alan has repaired the generator again. It will be needed soon when we put the sides on.

Don't know what Stephen is looking at. When he stands there pensively we start worrying what he is going to dream up next! As usual Alan is working quietly in the background.

Click on the picture to see a larger version.